We enjoyed 5 days great sailing with Melanie’s brother and sister-in-law. Lots of sun, sailing and painkillers!
After dropping them off at Trellis Bay, we had only 3 days left on our charter. What to do with that time? Relax? Nah! It’s off to Anegada!

Anegada is the most northerly island in the BVI and the most unique. While the other islands were formed by volcanos, Anegada was formed by a reef. Its highest point is only 21 feet above sea level.
Because Anegada is a bit farther from the other islands and because there’s no line of sight for a while as you sail to it, good conditions are important for getting there. We had intended to go early in our trip, but northerly swells and lousy weather killed that plan. But with 3 days left in our trip, a great weather window opened, so off we went!
Our sail was a quick one, only 3 hours from Trellis Bay. Just pointed the boat to 45 degrees and put on the autopilot.

We had one day to explore the island – we needed wheels. A quick stop at the car rental and off we went in our Moke – nothing but luxury for us!

Our first stop was Cow Wreck Beach, a beautiful and mostly deserted beach on the northwest corner of the island. It’s named for a boat full of cow bones (used for making buttons in the day) which crashed on the reef there. We enjoyed a few hours of walking and sun.

After Cow Wreck, we continued along the wild north coast to Loblolly Bay, another amazing beach on the north east corner of the island. We had rotis for lunch and a nice siesta before heading back to the boat.